Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Master Study handout

Master Study (Mark Making)—due Monday, Feb. 11
For this assignment, you will need to go to the art library and find an artist whose mark making style you respond to. Find a book of drawings and check it out of the library (you will need to bring the actual book to the critique, no printouts or photocopies). Below is a list of artists for you to begin with, but do not feel obligated to use one of my examples. From the book you’ve checked out, pick one drawing that you like in particular and make an interpretation of that piece. Drawings should emulate the style of mark making as closely as possible. Your objective is to reinterpret the subject matter at hand and make it your own.

18”x24” drawing paper (NOT newsprint)
any combination of graphite pencil, charcoal pencil, vine or compressed charcoal
**don’t forget to use your spray fixative to ensure that your finished drawings aren’t damaged in transport or by handling them during critique, etc.

Here are some artists to get you started:
Jheronimus Bosch, Francis Bacon, Caravaggio, Leonardo da Vinci, Caspar David Friedrich, Artemisia Gentileschi, Francisco Goya, Philip Guston, Gustav Klimt, Claude Monet, Alphonse Mucha, Odd Nerdrum, Pablo Picasso, Rembrandt van Rijn, Egon Schiele, Jan Steen, JMW Turner, Vincent Van Gogh, Johannes Vermeer, James Abbott McNeill Whistler

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