Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Animal Assignment due Mon. 2/18

Natural History Museum Animal assignment (Descriptive Textures)
Due Monday, February 18

We will be preparing for this assignment during Wednesday's class by drawing from observation in the Natural History Museum Hall of Mammals. You will choose one animal or scene of animals, and begin your drawing initially from observation. Focus on describing texture by using various line qualities or mark-making styles.

For Monday, you will need to further develop your drawing by placing the subject matter in a broader context. Think about the state these animals are in; they are preserved via taxidermy, in an attempt to look life-like. This attempt can often fall short, and drawing a deceased, taxidermied creature can raise some interesting concepts.

Ultimately, I want you place the animal(s) in a setting that reveals its falsity. You can work from an observed landscape, observed interior space, photographic material, or pull from your imagination. If you create an imagined setting, I would still encourage you to work in some way from observation, whether it be photographic imagery or a still life setup at home, etc. Think about the false nature of these animals and choose a setting that enhances this quality.

If you find yourself needing to spend more time in the museum outside of class time, below are the museum hours between now and the deadline:

Thursday 10 AM to 8 PM
Friday 10 AM to 5 PM
Saturday: 10 AM to 5 PM
Sunday: 1 PM to 5 PM
Monday: CLOSED

18”x24” DRAWING paper
Graphite pencil/compressed graphite

Remember to spray fix your drawings before turning them in if necessary!

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